The new product: VITAcure® Methyl Plus™ is now in stock

February 2017: Finally our new and unique product: VITAcure Methyl Plus™ is in stock here in the US (Massachusetts) ready to be shipped today both within the US and to the rest of the world.

VITAcure METHYL PLUS is a specially tailored product for people who are undermethylated. To increase methylation, one might also want to take SAM-e. It is essential to take cofactors in addition to the methyl-donator SAM-e to get the methionine-cycle functioning as it should. Before this supplement was available, one would have to source a number of different nutrients in addition to SAM-e, but finally, there is one product that covers almost everything. For the under-methylator to get the methionine cycle to function properly, one will often have to take higher doses of nutrients not available in a regular healthy diet, and it is necessary to get those nutrients every day.

We manufacture the product in the US with the best available forms of nutrients and the highest possible quality in both the choice of nutrients and manufacturing process. VITAcure has developed this product in cooperation with the manufacturer: FoodScience of Vermont.

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